Madison Avenue

Monday, April 27, 2009

Board Walk

Halli, Jaden, Regan & Halli...
We were lucky to go to Seattle again & have my Dad take us he wanted to surprise my brother for his birthday, Justy was able to go with us he hasn't been since 2001, so it was great to have him there with us. It was another short trip, Friday-Monday. But, boy do I have a story on how our flight went... We arrive at the Salt Lake Airport @ 9:30am, get to our gate C-13 & wait, they come over the intercom please move to gate d-3, so we hurry & go there, a minute later they come back on & tell us they are having hydraulic problems with the plane, so being moved & delayed about 4 times they come over & cancel our flight.
So, to make matters worse we were not able to get a flight out until 9:20pm that night, we walked around & ate lunch, & later we were able to go to the Crown Room & get some VIP treatment. Plus during all this time we have our 18th month Hogan with us the whole time, he did so good we were to lucky... So after waiting at the airport for oh 12 1/2 hours straight we get to the doors which back to c-13 where we started, oh we have three more delays, we board about 10:40 pm & take off around 11:00 pm, not getting to Seattle around 1:00am...
It was still fun, but man I hope to never have experience that again... We all had a great time, & Jacki my sister-in-law, she rooks I love all of the wonderful meals she had for us, THANKS a bunch for all you did & do, you are a wonderful host & sister-in-law...

We always have to go on the board walk it is up the street from my brothers house, it is just cool to see all of the the stuff growing around it... I got some cute pictures of my Hogi...

1 comment:

Justin Jacki Jaden Halli Ragen said...

Cute pics.!! You're on the ball! I am so far behind on my blog it's crazy!! It was good to see you guys, hope all is going well! Love ya, Jacki

Justin & Heidi Bates

Justin & Heidi Bates
Payson Canyon 2005